Happy Thanksgiving from the Bay Area Monitor!

We’d like to thank our supporters and sponsors that make our journalism possible. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, the East Bay Regional Parks District, and the Port of Oakland have, year-in and year-out, enable to Monitor to report on issues of regional relevance across the Bay Area.

Individual donors we’re thankful for include Candance Simeon, Maude Pervere, Samuel Miller; Janet Cohn, and Gene and Jean Matsuura, whose mighty contributions provide both the fiscal and psychological fuel to continue growing this project.

The support from the Board of the League of Women Voters of the Bay Area is essential in what we do here, and their tireless attention and volunteer time devoted to the project is invaluable.

Thank you to MIGHTYminnow, who redesigned the website as we transitioned from print to digital, and to Alec Macdonald, the former editor who continues to remain in the loop to offer advice and counsel.

Thank you to Aleta George, Cecily O’Connor, Robin Meadows, and Leslie Stewart, the excellent group of regular contributors. Their cutting-edge reporting skills are precisely what allows the Monitor to carve a niche in the so-fast-you-missed-it world of online journalism.

Most of all, thank you to you, for reading! No one wants to be the tree that falls in the woods with no one around, so to speak, and you provide the raison d’etre for all the above to come together to make this publication happen.

So to all of you, thank you, and happy Thanksgiving!