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Monitor Notes: King Tides, League Day, Housing Update


Welcome to Monitor Notes, a weekly roundup of news items, event announcements, and updates on past Bay Area Monitor articles.

King Tides brought waves right to the Bay Area’s doorstep over the past month, pictured here crashing into San Francisco’s Embarcadero. Check out the King Tides Project for photos of tides, high and low, from across the region. Photo: King Tides Project


Bay Area League Day: February 19th, 10am

Solving for Housing
The Nexus of Housing Policy and Climate Policy

From Bay Area League Board Member Roma Dawson:

Experts estimate that California is short over 3.5 million homes. This year’s LWV Bay Area annual educational day explores how we build more affordable housing while protecting critical natural and working lands. A resilient Bay Area requires implementing strategies to build more affordable housing while protecting critical natural and working lands.

Solving for Housing tackles how best to increase housing supply while combating the existential threat of climate change. How will we provide adequate housing while doing all possible to address impending climate risks?

Explore the tough questions we should all ask regarding land-use decisions that affect sea level rise, wildfire risk, and lack of water infrastructure. Hear experts discuss critical actions we need to take right now to address climate challenges while increasing housing affordability and availability for all.

Keep an eye on Monitor Notes for registration details, and contact Roma Dawson for more information.


Regional Housing Needs Update

Photo: Karl Nielsen

In October, the Monitor published an article about appeals to the Regional Housing Needs Allocation.

On November 12th, the ABAG administrative comittee ratified a final determination on each appeal. All were denied save that of Contra Costa County; more details on the specifics can be found here.

On December 16th, the agency’s executive board adopted the final Regional Housing Needs Allocation Plan. We’ll continue to Monitor the process in hopes that Bay Area housing needs are ultimately met in a way that enables sustainable climate action.


Events Around the Bay

Defending Democracy Series
January 11th, 4pm

Carol Moon Goldberg, president of LWV of California, will speak on Voting Rights: Where we are and the work we have left to do. Learn about the current status of California’s voting rights and election laws and their similarities to proposed federal voting rights legislation. Find out about how LWVUS is working for uniform voting rights laws and the ways Leagues across the country support this. The event is hosted by the LWV of Piedmont. Register here.

Ridge Trail: Circumnavigation
January 27th, 6:30pm

The Bay Area Ridge Trail is over 400 miles long and closing in on its 550-mile goal of circumnavigating the highest ridges overlooking the Bay. An upcoming webinar later this month will feature tips, online resources, and a Q&A with a panel of folks who have hiked, biked, or horseback ridden the entirety of the trail.




Monitor Notes is produced by Michael Adamson. To receive it by email, scroll to the bottom of this page, enter your email address in the box under “RECEIVE EMAIL UPDATES,” and click the red “SIGN UP” button.


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